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On this page you will find a multitude of free resources. Feel free to look around and download what appeals to you, do the spiritual checkup, or the free online workshop 'You are amazing'.

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Then sign up for my newsletter.
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'~My books
'Emperor in the Kingdom' describes the first 53 years of my life, during which I sought my way through spirituality as described above.
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'Divinefulness – Pilgrimage to the soul' describes the first year of the two year trainings. In it, together as a group, a pilgrimage to the soul is undertaken. From the head that gathers knowledge and does not act on it, we descend to the heart that feels, the gut that embraces knowledge, to the soul where the knowledge is really lived.
epub image  pdf image  printer image

In 'Divinefulness – Into the world, live your mission' you can read what is covered in the second year: the journey to the outside to really live the mission that every soul has chosen.
epub image  pdf image  printer image

Biorhythm: In part 2 of Divinefulness biorhythm is discussed. You can download an Excel sheet to calculate this for yourself via this link

The booklet 'Suicide – You'll be back on earth before you know it’ describes a memory of my suicide in a previous life and what happens in the in-between world. It also contains a lot of spiritual knowledge.
epub image  pdf image  printer image

With a taroscope you get a visual insight into your own character and your growth potential. Here you can create your own personal taroscope page.

This describes the 8 levels of knowledge. How can you bring what is in your head as knowing to your soul
Twelve Ways to Overcome Anxiety and Depression/6b16bf904965f4e0f7655446e15c97f4/12ways.pdf In it you can read how to become the happy you that you are deep inside.
Eight ways to love yourself more

'~Spirits checkup
Below you will find a way to discover more about your spiritual development.
You do this in two steps.
1. Overview
First, score yourself in 9 areas of spirituality. How do you think you are doing it yourself in those areas.
The score is from 1 to 8. 1 stands for 'I don't do anything about it', 8 stands for 'I think I know everything about this area and actually put it into practice'.
Then click on the + sign to answer questions about this area. Use the same score from 1 to 8 for this. When you've scored all areas, click send. An overview will then appear with the score you have given and the score that comes from the questions you have answered.

 1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    
Ego control
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Unconditional love
Spiritual Knowledge
Ego control
Get help
Unconditional love
Spiritual Knowledge

Online workshop 'You are amazing'
You're amazing!


workshop you're amazing

As hard as it may be for you to believe, it's the truth about you.

You probably recognize this.
You're really not alone. A lot of people walk around with the same feeling.
I too have seen myself as a failure.
As the outsider who meant nothing to anyone.
I know what it's like to feel that way.
Looking for how you can get more connection.
How to be more connected.

For me, it's been a quest of many years. Little by little I found a piece of the puzzle every time.
And what I discovered was that the basis of everything is

To love yourself

If you can do that, a lot suddenly falls into place.
✔ Your thoughts about yourself become more positive
✔ And with that you will also feel better
✔ Relationships get better because are less depending on other persons
✔ You will see what you have to offer to the world

Then, of course, the question remains how to love yourself?

Because there's probably a lot inside you shouting that this isn't true.
How can you love someone who ... And then all the negatives are listed again.

The good news:
Whatever negativity you tell yourself, it still won’t stand.
All these voices in your head are echoes of the past.
Things that have ever been said to you. And.... you've come to believe them.

Over the years, I've put a lot of these voices out of my head.
I used a lot of techniques and methods.
You too can ... Although that is a long process

More good news:
A few years ago I discovered
hypnosis Hypnosis, isn’t that hurtful?
Hypnosis, or trance, is a state we all know. Just think of the moments when you take a trip on a well-known road. ‘ Huh, I'm already here,’ is a thought you've probably experienced. In this state, you also have access to your soul. By addressing this part, you can easily initiate transformations.

with which you reconnect how beautiful and wonderful you are in essence.
The great thing about this technique is that it allows you to gain very direct access to a very deep layer within yourself. I see it as being able to speak directly to your soul.

It allows you to do many years of self-examination in hours.
Real, in hours.

Right now, every day I'm enjoying to be truly at peace with myself and my life.
I wish the same for you!
With that in mind, I developed this workshop.
Based on a number of videos, you will discover in a few hours that you are indeed amazing.

This online workshop is a balanced combination of self-examination and a hypnosis journey.
In this journey you easily leave all negativity behind.
You discover an incredible freedom and affection for yourself.

In summary, the workshop ensures that you
✔ Have contact with a deep knowing that you are truly amazing
✔ Easily connect with this knowing
✔ More and more grows in being loving, towards yourself and others
✔ Have more energy
✔ Easily indicate your limits
✔ Have a nice empty head
✔ Setbacks affect you less
✔ You dare to look at things
✔ Attracting the right people
✔ Brings people peace through your relaxation
✔ Experience less stress
✔ Step outside your comfort zone more easily
✔ Relationships become more intense
✔ You will see your talents and use them for the world
✔ Capacity for unconditional love grows and grows

This is how the workshop works
You may still be curious about the set-up of the workshop.
Here's what's covered:
Just take the step.
Neither the time, 3 hours, nor the price of only a few ten dollars are a hindrance.
And because you can decide for yourself when you do a part of this workshop, you can do it at any time.

Do you keep believing the voices in your head?

This is what people say about the workshop

These reviews below are people's experiences with the workshop when it is given via Zoom. Are you interested in that? Please indicate that here
In Jessurun
Insightful and soothing, that's what I found the online workshop '"you are amazing" that Jeroen gave last Friday..
After a violent period with emergency surgery on a cervical vertebra, I was completely immobile.
Everything had to be re-learned and trained.
The road is long and arduous, the outcome uncertain.
I sank deeper and deeper into gloom and apathy.
Through the exercises and the safe atmosphere I came to new insights.
Much more calmly, I can now accept reality.
Thank you Jeroen and fellow participants,
It was a workshop via the zoom, but that did for me
not detracted from the experience. I experienced the workshop as a whole as very helpful.

The idea was to bring out what you loved about something or someone and share it.
with a group of three or two people. The same thing was asked about what you don't particularly love about yourself.
My experience was that the groups, which constantly changed composition, shared everything with each other without any problems.
In my opinion, this undoubtedly also had to do with the safe environment in which everything happened.

What was completely new to me was the hypnosis.
I thought that was an extremely good experience.
I found myself being brought deep into peace and relaxation, and the critic's intended change in yourself certainly took place with me.
The hypnosis lasted half an hour, and I experienced it as completely safe.

The things that I am really going to do differently, as was one of the starting points of the workshop, are
> Stop know-it-all,
> Procrastination
> people pleasing
> and myself don't think it's good enough.

Almost always, these things underlie the negative experiences I experience as a challenge.

As the last part of the workshop, your talents were on the program. Make a list of what you can easily go off and see which ones you consider to be your talents. This was again shared in groups. And again it was a wonderful experience of free sharing and recognition.

To conclude, a round was done and you were asked to say:
"I'm amazing  because my talent is......"
I have given an answer to that that I would actually like to change to, because I understand that being great is not about your personality but about the divine working through you:

"I'm amazing because my talent is that I don't make a big deal out of anything."

Now, a day after the workshop, I still experience the aftereffects of hypnosis very clearly. Every cell lets me know I'm amazing.
The feeling of opinion of others is no longer important is very clearly felt for me now.

If you are willing to do and experience things differently, I will definitely recommend you to do this workshop. You are amazing and you are loved infinitely. That's the feeling I love about this workshop. If you want to do the same, do it.

In Love and Blessings

Henk Mosterdijk
The event is well put together.
After some introductory exercises, we had to isolate ourselves and listen to a hypnosis script.
During this hypnosis I was well guided to the feeling, which belongs to "You are amazing!".

In closing, each participant had to say that he or she is great and why.
Here I felt resistance and from Jeroen I understand that then my ego will interfere.
But the moment it was my turn, the right words struck me:
"I'm amazing, because I can touch people deeply with sounds!".

This workshop is highly recommended to free yourself from your own critic.

Jeanette Van Os
I participated in the workshop 'You are amazing' because I regularly did not think of myself as great, on the contrary.
Beforehand, we had to think about what we really love in general.
For me, those are creative, artistic expressions, no matter what.
I can be completely entranced by that.

In the workshop itself, through sharing, attention was paid both to what we find less pleasant about ourselves and would like to change, and to what we love.

Then we were given a half-hour hypnosis session in which both came to the fore.
What I found very special is that during hypnosis a painting came to my mind that hangs in the Kröller Muller Museum, a lady in a beautiful yellow dress, in the style of pointillism.
Suddenly I realized that just like that painting, I am unique and that my uniqueness arises because I have both dark facets and bright and light facets and that precisely because this is intertwined and sometimes one, sometimes the other predominates, a color palette is created that is beautiful and unique to see.
It was as if a penny fell on a deeper level than before.

I now find that when I look in the mirror and say to myself, "Hi beautiful person, I love you," I see in my eyes that I mean it.
That I love my totally, my pleasant and less pleasant sides.

I'm very happy with it and all I have to do is think about the painting and I KNOW it again.
What I also like is that I can use the hypnosis at home again if I accidentally forget that I am great.

Thank you Jeroen for this wonderful workshop.


Carolien Sunshine
Hi Jeroen,
I'm going to try to just make a voice message because of the review of the weekend's workshop.
Yes, I really enjoyed it and what I really liked is going out with small groups several times and naming yourself positive things like what you don't like as much.
What I also liked is that if you think about something positive even if it is not love for yourself and you make it bigger that you can indeed transfer that to the other areas.
Yes, that was very nice.
And the hypnosis helped with that too.

Greetings, bye.

luister to the recording of Carolien

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